How to Hack Someones IP Address


Kıdemli Üye
5 Tem 2009
An ultimate hack which enable u to trace any one any where in the world

Most of you may be curious to know how to find the IP address of your friend’s computer or to find the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting in Yahoo messenger or Gtalk. Finding out someone's IP address is like finding their phone number, an IP address can be used to find the general ******** where that person lives. Now while most of the tutorials on the net teach you how to steal an ip address via MSN, or any other chat software, in this post I’ll show you how to find IP address of someones computer using script. Using this method for hacking someones ip adress is very easy and effectively, so just follow the steps bellow.

NOTE: This tutorial is for educational purposes only, I am NOT responsible in any way for how this information is used, use it at your own risk.

How to Hack Someones IP Address?

Alright, I'm gonna give you this script, that you write in the index.php. It will redirect them to Google, but you can change that in the script.

Here is the sript:


$file = 'IPz.txt';
$handle = fopen($file,'a');
if(!isset($_GET['p'])) { header('********:'); }
fwrite($handle, $_GET['p'].': '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].'\r\n');

1. First of all you need to make a new .txt ******** on the website you're uploading this to. Call it IPz.txt (You can change that in the script aswell where it says $file = 'IPz.txt'; in the second line. Then change the CHMOD to 777.

2. Now you need to past the script above in to a .php ********, and upload it.

3. Now you make people visit your site, and they will get redirected to Google.

4. To view the IP, you simply add "/IPz.txt" after your domain, and you'll see the IP.

This is a very simple, but effectually method for stealing someones IP Address.
Hope you'll find this tutorial useful. Happy Hacking :)
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