Justice in the Barrel: Police Special Operations!


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
What is Police Special Operations?

Police Special Operations is a special unit under the General Directorate of Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police Special Operations works in high-risk areas. They are also receiving Police Special Operations special training. In order to become a Police Special Operations, that is, a POV, there must be certain procedures. The Ministry of Interior recruits Police Special Operations personnel.


What Does Police Special Operations Do?

Today, Police Special Operations personnel receive special training. Police Special Operations Police, whose areas of duty are narrow, may serve under the General Directorate of Security and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police Special Operations personnel may intervene in bank robberies and terrorist acts. In addition, Police Special Operations is also involved in emergency situations such as responding to terrorist acts in the country and rescuing hostages. Special Operations Police use special tactics and weapons.


History of Special Operations

With the approval of the Ministry of Interior, it was organized as "Special Operations Branch Directorate" in the center and "Special Operations Group Chiefs" in Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir provinces directly subordinate to the Chief of Police within the body of the Public Security Department on March 22, 1983. As a result of the changing and developing conditions of the day, it was taken from the Public Security Department on 13.03.1987 and operated as the "Special Operations Branch Directorate" within the Counter-Terrorism and Operations Department on 23.02.1988 until 1993. Due to the increase in separatist terrorist incidents, the Special Operations Department was established on 13.07.1993 and the Special Operations Branch Directorates of 48 provinces, including the province of Izmir, were connected to the Special Operations Department.On 25.08.2017, the Special Operations Department was upgraded to the restructured status and became the Special Operations Department.


What are the Duties of the Special Operations Police?

Consisting of specially trained personnel equipped with the most modern weapons, equipment and tools capable of carrying out high-risk operations at any time of the day in built-up areas and rural areas under all climatic and geographical conditions; The task of our unit, which carries out its activities in the order of elements, teams, groups and troops:

To neutralize the terrorists who carry out the armed actions and actions carried out by terrorist organizations,

To carry out rescue operations from all kinds of transportation vehicles such as hijacked planes, ships, trains, etc., to neutralize the perpetrators,
To carry out rescue operations for hostage-taken persons,

To apprehend and neutralize armed and dangerous persons who threaten general security,
To ensure the security of state elders,

To protect our representative offices and diplomats in countries where the security risk is high due to reasons such as internal turmoil, terrorism or war,
To combat risks and threats to the vital interests of the state,

To protect the existence and independence of the state and the indivisible integrity of the homeland and the nation unconditionally and unconditionally.


Personnel selection

Personnel to be recruited to the special operations unit; Those who are successful in the interview among the volunteer police officers or commissioner class working in the organization, who have not received seniority punishment and negative records, who are not older than 28 years for police officers on the date of application, who are not older than 31 years for the commissioner class, who are prone to sports and body development studies, who have physical strength, coolness, quick reaction, determination and endurance, are taken to the special operations course. Personnel who successfully complete this course are assigned to the cadres as special operations branches.


How to Train This Team?

They receive about 16 weeks of training. Personnel receive many trainings and courses such as sniping, fast and effective weapon handling, terrain and mountaineering, cartography, first aid, armored vehicle and electronic weapon systems, residential area operation, aircraft operation, train and vehicle operation, negotiation, underwater diving, unmanned aerial vehicle management, building-vehicle-person protection. In addition to these, he also receives intensive sports training and close combat training. [23] Training is received for the information required to be used during the operation such as legislation, law, criminal law, psychology.
In addition, Special Operations Police are subjected to in-service training at regular intervals throughout the year to ensure that they are constantly ready for duty with drills and shooting lessons.



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