Media Manipulation


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016
Media Manipulation

It's becoming an increasing threat to democracy, as more governments are using it to manipulate the public; according to a new report from the Oxford Internet Institute.

There is nothing new about political parties and governments using propaganda, but the new normal is containing toxic messages that are easy to spread globally, with powerful new tools for targeting and fortification.

According to the Computational Propaganda Research Project, Oxford University; the use of algorithms, automation and big data for the public becomes “a common and immanent part of daily life”.


For its third annual report, the project examined the "cyber army" activity in 60-70 countries. The cyber army is a common term for government or political party actors who use social media to spread polarized messages to manipulate the public opinion, harass opponents, attack political opponents, or divide societies among other things.

In the last two years, there seems to be a 150% increase in the number of countries using social media to launch manipulation campaigns.

Organizations like Mozilla and Google have launched initiatives to keep the internet free from fake information. Individuals can take a few steps to join the fight against such manipulations.

Don't believe every piece of content that appears in your social media feed, especially from unverified sources.

Access links carefully and be selective when approving your friend or following requests.

Limit the amount of private information you provide online. The more information the easier for cyber armies to adapt content.

Read the privacy policy of the social media apps you use to understand how your information is used.

Educate yourself how to identify and ignore content that aims to shake your mind or spread hate.

So, Why is That Increasement?

Researchers say that some of the growth comes from countries that are new to social media, trying computational propaganda tools and techniques during elections or as a new tool of information control.

6 Strategies Media Uses to Manipulate Us


Distraction strategy is nothing more than diverting users' attention from important issues. There is one way to do this, to fill the news with stories about unimportant topics. The aim is to distract and engage people's minds. As a result, people forget their real problems for a moment.

Problem - Reaction - Solution

This method is equivalent to doing a "survey" in politics. Testing people by spreading rumors or ideas to assess how they will react. They create a problem to solve it later.

Treat People Like a Child

The more the media wants to manipulate the public, the more they talk to the public like a child. Sugar coated arguments, characters and tonings are used as if people are too weak or immature to handle the truth. The aim is also a submissive response. The idea is to prevent people from thinking critically like adults.

Appeal to Emotions

Emotional charm is much stronger than sterile and purely objective ones. The media know this and therefore they try to appeal to the emotions of the public. Again, they prevent people from thinking critically. They try to control their thoughts.

Keep People Ignorant and Mediocre

They say the media prefer an ignorant and uncultured people. Keeping them away from information claims to make it easier to manipulate them. It seems true.

Don't forget that knowledge is power.

Don't Blame Yourself

Like the media encourages our ignorance, they make us believe that we're the one who is responsible for misfortunes. The media tell us that our insufficient ability will make us poor and unsuccessful. In fact, they seek to blame themselves by scraping themselves and preventing people from motivating.

Methods Media Uses to Managing People's Perception

Legitimizing it
Ignore it
Falsifing evidences
Ask for an expert opinion
Using false witness
Representing their thoughts as it's everyone's
Reviving same news in different formats and areas
Exaggerating what have they done and show it like it's something negative

Media Manipulation Examples

The marine corps from the US 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit help an Iraqi soldier with water from a bottle in Southern Iraq.


TV news station


Soldier playing with children


A party leader launching her campaign in a bus


There are dozens of examples like these.

Translator: R4V3N
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