[MOD] Avatar Yaratıcı


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
22 Kas 2007
Dosya : İndir

## MOD Title:          Avatar Generator  
## MOD Author:         MrBass < no.public@email > ( - )  
## MOD Description:    Allow users to create their own avatar from a selection of templates (See Note below for full explanation).  
## MOD Version:        2.0.2  
## Compatibility:      2.0.11 - 2.0.19 (with eXtreme Styles Mod 2.1.0 or >)  
## Installation Level: Intermediate  
## Installation Time:  20 Minutes  
## Files To Edit:      9  
##            admin/admin_board.php  
##            includes/constants.php  
##            includes/usercp_avatar.php  
##            includes/usercp_register.php  
##            language/lang_english/lang_admin.php  
##            language/lang_english/lang_faq.php  
##            language/lang_english/lang_main.php  
##            templates/ca_aphrodite/profile_add_body.tpl  
##            templates/ca_aphrodite/admin/board_config_body.tpl  
## Included Files:     17  
##            db_update.php  
##            generate_avatar.php  
##            admin/xs_avatar_generator.cfg  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/aphrodite.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/blue.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/darkblue.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/firefox.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/gray.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/green.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/opera.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/pink.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/purple.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/red.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/sblue.gif  
##            images/avatars/generator_templates/trebucbd.ttf  
##            language/lang_english/lang_avatar_generator.php  
##            templates/ca_aphrodite/profile_avatar_generator.tpl  
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: http://www.petesplace-online.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=155 for the  
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code  
## to enter into your phpBB Forum.  
## Author Notes:  
## 1. Full MOD description  
## -----------  
##    NOTE: This mod requires GD to be installed on your host server  
##    and XS Mod Version 2.1.0 or greater available from here:  
##    http://www.phpbbstyles.com/viewtopic.php?t=356  
##    This mod allows registered users to create their own personalised avatar from a selection of  
##    uploaded images via the Generate Avatar link in their profile page.  
##    The site administrator has the option to disable this feature via the ACP.  
##    Installation instructions at present are provided for the Aphrodite style only.  
## 2. EasyMOD  
## -----------  
## This MOD has *NOT* been tested for compatibility with EasyMOD  
## MOD History:  
##   17-04-2005 - Version 1.0.0 (by WinSrev < [email protected] > http://www.winsrev.com)  
##      - First Stable release. Version 1.0.0    
##   17-04-2005 - Version 1.1.0 (by WinSrev < [email protected] > http://www.winsrev.com)  
##    - Version 1.1.0 release. Minor changes  
##   18-04-2005 - Version 1.2.0 (by WinSrev < [email protected] > http://www.winsrev.com)  
##    - Version 1.2.0 released a few changes, now allows users to save the avatar they have made. also new FAQ's section  
##   28-10-2005 - Version 2.0.0  
##      - Enable/Disable and configure Avatar Generator via ACP  
##    - Full integration with user profile page  
##    - Updated FAQ section  
##    - Compatible with XS Update Checker  
##   09-01-2006 - Version 2.0.1  
##    - Includes Italian language pack provided by Cavallino  
##    - winserv.a.la domain amended to winserv.com  
##    - Errors in install.txt corrected :)  
##   02-03-2006 - Version 2.0.2  
##    - Updated for phpBB 2.0.19  
## Acknowledgements:  
##    Avatar Generator concept and 1.x versions by Winserv (http://www.winsrev.a.la)  
##    Image design by CyberAlien (http://www.phpbbstyles.com)  
## Pre-Modded Files:  
##    None.  
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD  

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