Now you can edit your WhatsApp messages.


Kıdemli Üye
29 Eki 2018

WhatsApp has added a new feature whereby users can edit sent messages within 15 minutes after sending them, according to the company's official blog.

The feature will give users more control over their correspondence, the company believes.

Now, interlocutors will be able to correct a typo in the text or add to their message after it has been sent. To make corrections, the user needs to press the desired message until a window with the function "Edit" appears.

When the other party changes the message, the other party will see a "Edited" note. However, it is not possible to see the history of corrections.


8 Eyl 2009
Seni seçtim 3.14Kachu

WhatsApp has added a new feature whereby users can edit sent messages within 15 minutes after sending them, according to the company's official blog.

The feature will give users more control over their correspondence, the company believes.

Now, interlocutors will be able to correct a typo in the text or add to their message after it has been sent. To make corrections, the user needs to press the desired message until a window with the function "Edit" appears.

When the other party changes the message, the other party will see a "Edited" note. However, it is not possible to see the history of corrections.
Nice topic.


Kıdemli Üye
13 Mar 2023

WhatsApp has added a new feature whereby users can edit sent messages within 15 minutes after sending them, according to the company's official blog.

The feature will give users more control over their correspondence, the company believes.

Now, interlocutors will be able to correct a typo in the text or add to their message after it has been sent. To make corrections, the user needs to press the desired message until a window with the function "Edit" appears.

When the other party changes the message, the other party will see a "Edited" note. However, it is not possible to see the history of corrections.
nice topic
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