Preparing for a Cyber ​​Attack


15 Kas 2020
Today, we will examine data collection, control of system vulnerabilities, port-oriented attacks and the layers where these attack types occur, which is the stage before cyberattacks on target systems.

Data Collection on Target System: Server Information

First, without doing anything, we get a good ping from cmd and scan the IP given to us. This is necessary for us to know what kind of platform it is hosted on.

Check this out:

Step 1:
DNS, MX, ********, Ftp and Server IP analysis In this step, we concretely determine and record the Sources of the Target System.

Afterwards, the FTP address is very important, if there is a weakness, we do and record it in the future IP by pinging.
We need to learn the domains of the site; a website has admin panel entries;


Adapt it to the target system, specify these admin entries and take note
Determine the other domains of the target site from the website Fuzzing tool, followed by the Pentest tool Website Fuzzing is normally used for XSS vulnerabilities or in the SQL Injection area. Our job is to note the URL 'addresses that appear in fuzzing.

Check this out:

Port-Oriented Attacks: Port Types and Functions

Since we are gathering information, we are still collecting information to move on to the attack section. Now we will learn the Ports Used in Cyberattacks.

20-21 Port: Ftp Port

These ports that can be used in possible attacks to layer 4 are File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Port.
The reason why the Port is Free for Cyberattacks is that the Server Firms cannot apply any security filters to the FTP Port during an Attack, so if there is a vulnerability, it will have a hard time for the target site.

Port 53: Port of DNS Service Providers:

This Port is located in Layer 4. Directly, an attack on the port used by the service providers of the target system can likewise create a difficult situation for the service providers.

3306 MySQL Port:

If the MySQL port is not changed in the target system, the attacks to this port will directly descend to the Database, so the target system will inflate the database, in which case the access is closed.

443-80-8080 Ports: Hypertext Transfer Protocol:

This Port is located in the 7th layer in the top layer. It is the internet access protocol. Port 80 is valid communication port for HTTP sites, 443 for HTTPS Sites.
It is easier to prevent attacks than other ports, which is one of the ports that security companies protect in the system, but if the system owner lacks information, he cannot get out of it.

Cyberattack Alternative Testimonials and My Suggestions.

-Make your way through the system through trial and error

-Make sure that the server is not using Cloudflare or Mask IP. Reach the DNS, MX, ftp, webmaster, IPs of the site as shown. Analyze the different strings

-Domain attacks are attacks on Layer 7. Analyze the domains of the target system very well.

-Send GET / POST Requests to Layer 4. If there is a weakness, it closes.

-Check if there is another system other than the target system's work IP, if there is an attack on the other system using the same rope, both will fail.

Translator: @Thekoftte
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