Science of complex systems; What is cybernetics?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013


What is cybernetics, the science of complex systems?

Cybernetics, which is referred to as the science of guidance in Turkish, recognizes that both living and inanimate systems can have a purpose and ensures that all systems are examined through technology. At the core of this approach is to understand and manage the functions and processes of systems capable of receiving, storing and processing information.


What is cybernetics?

Cybernetics is also considered as the branch of science that tries to adapt the nervous system in living things to computer systems. The American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Wiener, who is considered one of the founders of modern cybernetics, defined cybernetics as a field of study on control and communication in humans and animals. Cybernetics is a comprehensive field of science that studies systems and working principles, whether mechanical, biological, social, physical or cognitive.


What does cybernetics do?

The main goal of modern cybernetic studies is to develop self-controlled computers. Cybernetic, which is used in the development of computer systems, has made a great contribution to the formation and development of the field of robotic coding.

Cybernetics can be applied to systems with closed signal loops. The action created in such closed signaling systems triggers changes in the system environment, and this change also causes some kind of system change. There is a closed loop in which the action and reaction take place in the same system environment.

Cybernetic systems theory has influenced many fields of study, including philosophy, game theory, perceptual control, architecture, artificial intelligence, and more. The main purpose of each field is to examine the mechanisms and system controls that make up the system.


Historical development of cybernetics

El-Cezeri is considered the first pioneer of cybernetics. Al-Jazari was a 12th-century physicist and mathematician. In his work "The Book Containing the Use of Mechanical Movements in Engineering", he laid the foundations of today's cybernetics and robotics. In his book, he described the principles of use and working principles of more than 50 devices.

The first person to introduce the term cybernetics was the French mathematician and physicist Andre Ampere. The person who gave cybernetics its meaning in the current sense was the American philosopher and mathematician Norbert Wiener, one of the founders of modern cybernetics.

Wiener defines cybernetics as "the science of control and communication in animals and machines." This definition closely relates cybernetics to automated control theory and physiology (especially the physiology of the nervous system).

The principles of modern cybernetic theory were set by Wiener, Warren Sturgis McCulloch, William Ross Ashby, and William Gray Walter. Norbert Wiener developed an autonomous machine to study animal behavior, revealing the first autonomous machine in history during his studies of cybernetics.

The breaking point of cybernetics is 2. It happened during World War II. Air defense systems against increased air attacks had to work quickly and precisely. These were impossible to manage by human control, the radar antennas had to turn towards the target, and the anti-aircraft guns had to find their targets on their own. Cybernetics also had an impact on the course of the war by giving these systems autonomous mobility.


Cybernetic logic

The logic of cybernetics is to give systems self-control through a simple feedback loop. Cybernetics is an approach applied to systems expressed as a closed signal loop, where the changes caused by the action are reflected through feedback within the system. The change of cybernetic systems through feedback is defined as a circular causal relationship. Cybernetic systems can be biological as well as artificial.

Uses of cybernetics

Cybernetics works integrated with many sciences and is considered among the most important branches of our time. Cybernetics has an indispensable importance especially in processes such as defense industry, factory automation, efficiency in manufacturing processes, route operations of industrial robots and spacecraft. In addition, game theory, systems theory, perceptual control, philosophy, architecture and many other fields of study have been directly or indirectly influenced by cybernetics. Cybernetics serves as a bridge between many branches of science.



Katılımcı Üye
15 May 2016


What is cybernetics, the science of complex systems?

Cybernetics, which is referred to as the science of guidance in Turkish, recognizes that both living and inanimate systems can have a purpose and ensures that all systems are examined through technology. At the core of this approach is to understand and manage the functions and processes of systems capable of receiving, storing and processing information.


What is cybernetics?

Cybernetics is also considered as the branch of science that tries to adapt the nervous system in living things to computer systems. The American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Wiener, who is considered one of the founders of modern cybernetics, defined cybernetics as a field of study on control and communication in humans and animals. Cybernetics is a comprehensive field of science that studies systems and working principles, whether mechanical, biological, social, physical or cognitive.


What does cybernetics do?

The main goal of modern cybernetic studies is to develop self-controlled computers. Cybernetic, which is used in the development of computer systems, has made a great contribution to the formation and development of the field of robotic coding.

Cybernetics can be applied to systems with closed signal loops. The action created in such closed signaling systems triggers changes in the system environment, and this change also causes some kind of system change. There is a closed loop in which the action and reaction take place in the same system environment.

Cybernetic systems theory has influenced many fields of study, including philosophy, game theory, perceptual control, architecture, artificial intelligence, and more. The main purpose of each field is to examine the mechanisms and system controls that make up the system.


Historical development of cybernetics

El-Cezeri is considered the first pioneer of cybernetics. Al-Jazari was a 12th-century physicist and mathematician. In his work "The Book Containing the Use of Mechanical Movements in Engineering", he laid the foundations of today's cybernetics and robotics. In his book, he described the principles of use and working principles of more than 50 devices.

The first person to introduce the term cybernetics was the French mathematician and physicist Andre Ampere. The person who gave cybernetics its meaning in the current sense was the American philosopher and mathematician Norbert Wiener, one of the founders of modern cybernetics.

Wiener defines cybernetics as "the science of control and communication in animals and machines." This definition closely relates cybernetics to automated control theory and physiology (especially the physiology of the nervous system).

The principles of modern cybernetic theory were set by Wiener, Warren Sturgis McCulloch, William Ross Ashby, and William Gray Walter. Norbert Wiener developed an autonomous machine to study animal behavior, revealing the first autonomous machine in history during his studies of cybernetics.

The breaking point of cybernetics is 2. It happened during World War II. Air defense systems against increased air attacks had to work quickly and precisely. These were impossible to manage by human control, the radar antennas had to turn towards the target, and the anti-aircraft guns had to find their targets on their own. Cybernetics also had an impact on the course of the war by giving these systems autonomous mobility.


Cybernetic logic

The logic of cybernetics is to give systems self-control through a simple feedback loop. Cybernetics is an approach applied to systems expressed as a closed signal loop, where the changes caused by the action are reflected through feedback within the system. The change of cybernetic systems through feedback is defined as a circular causal relationship. Cybernetic systems can be biological as well as artificial.

Uses of cybernetics

Cybernetics works integrated with many sciences and is considered among the most important branches of our time. Cybernetics has an indispensable importance especially in processes such as defense industry, factory automation, efficiency in manufacturing processes, route operations of industrial robots and spacecraft. In addition, game theory, systems theory, perceptual control, philosophy, architecture and many other fields of study have been directly or indirectly influenced by cybernetics. Cybernetics serves as a bridge between many branches of science.

nice subject
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