Scientific Ways to Make People Say Yes


Katılımcı Üye
21 Eki 2015

Persuasion is an art. The basis of this art is to make people say “Yes”. So the point is that the person we’re dealing with is the subject we’re going to say or the product we’re going to sell or at the end of the meeting ,he says “yes”, “I agree” and “I approve”.


The way to be followed and approved by people in the media, in our work and in our lives are about our ability to convince.


Hovland explained the purpose of saying Yes as follows;

Making media outlets, audience and competitors listen to the individual.
Making the media, competitors and audience to think about what they want the individual to think about.
Ensuring that media, audience and including competitors meet the needs of the individual.
Ensuring that the media and audience spread the thought that the individual wants.


There are some basic situations to persuade in messages and presentations. Anderson and Hovland listed them as follows;

Successful messages are messages that convince a person to something and support them with data during this process of persuasion.
If two topics are mentioned about persuasion, the focus should be on whichever one will provide the most benefit during the needs.
Repetition must be used when persuading and for this, we need learning, expectation and acceptance.
Both positive and negative aspects of the problem should be said and the individual’s preference should be stated at the end of the speech.
If it is a presentation,closing, conclusion, summary should be specified.
There should be messages in the opinions that need to be drastically changed.


There are Six Principles of Persuasion.

Robert Cialdini has submitted that there are six principles of persuasion.


Response Principle
Scarcity Principle
Authority Principle
Consistency Principle
Consensus Principle
Like Principle



Preparing ourselves for success:

Confident and polite to speak.
Nod / confirm our heads while speaking.
To show that what we want is a good thing for the other person.
Need to ask questions to understand what the person cares about.
To prepare for the transition to the main request with small requests.
Want your request while the other person is feeling better.

Applying social pressure:

Using one reason I mean that make request by creating an impression of the benefit of the person.
Using the principle of mutual assistance.
Using the principle of constraint.

Just taking the word yes as an answer:

Giving people so many options is overwhelming them so it’s just giving them options that they will answer yes.
Being open to negotiation.
Asking question that the answer will definitely be yes.
Finish speaking effectively.


In Scientific Research on Persuasion;

In research conducted at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, Texas; it was found that people who asked to complete the questionnaire had a %35 higher answer rate in hand-written questionnaires.

It’s important to keep personal note.

Researchers publishing in the journal of experimental social psychology; it is stated that the request has a high probability when something is asked at the beginning, not at the end of the conversation.


We have to be clear about requests.

According to research at Stanford University, individuals were found to be uncomfortable when they repeatedly rejected the same person.

A sense of guilt could be in our best interest.


Researcher in England found that words are important for hte request. When the person initially said they were not interested in the beginning, “but would you like to try the product?” or “but would you consider using this product?” if you follow up with question in the form, it raises the possibility of a positive answer.

We must use the right words.

German researchers ; to emphasize what the individual will buy in sales and in word selection instead of saying “ You need to pay me 10 TL for the Y product”, “I will give the A product which is normally 20 Tl for 10 TL as well as the Y product” it leads them to think they are winning and increases the answer to yes.


We should focus on the benefit of the individual.

Researchers in France have found that the individual’s positive response increases when he feel that he could answer no to the product and is not under pressure.

Tell the individual that the no option is also free.


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