The second time the same Blue Origin rocket into space by throwing a new ground


Kıdemli Üye
22 Haz 2015
Downloading and using it again back to Earth of the space rocket recently spoken quite often. Private space is the same Blue Origin rocket of the 2. times by using this topic.


In recent days, SpaceX's launch into space rocket successfully to download agenda back to Earth is pretty busy. Previously launched rockets into space is only the second time the same disposable even perform the task required a fairly serious charges. Although SpaceX is another step forward in solving this problem or similar work in the private space company, Blue Origin. Like SpaceX's launch rocket into space again, as it has done to the world so that you can use downloaders in November of last year the company New Shepard has set off a bottle rocket, named and managed to download back. Blue Origin is the most important point that separates from the company SpaceX space tourism flights, for which I will be doing. Rockets, thermosphere layer limit (100 km from the post) as they live and Earth orbit by this way a short tourist space travel. The international space station (400 km), including the people who this layer in about 5 minutes to get rid of gravity they experience. The journey takes quite short for rocket launching and download on the same day in gerçekliyor. New Shepard, first sent into space a second time after the fırlatışın rocket won the title to be. The second task of 101.3 km sitting in orbit rocket, once you have completed the task of once again successfully landed on the surface. SpaceX rocket larger and heavier rockets that function to more difficult works, for now we can say that in the leadership seat Blue Origin. The company's CEO said in a statement after the second successful landing "in the future we're trying to make flights to more remote," he said.


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