What Are Keylogger Types? What can it do?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

keyloggers are malicious applications that monitor and record keyboard keystrokes and capture the keyboard. The goal is to learn, record, monitor and transmit all keystrokes to the cyber attacker using the virtual or physical keyboard.


Although keyloggers are generally developed for physical keyboards, we see keyloggers emerging as virtual keyboards targeted by cyber attackers. Also known as keyloggers, these applications are malware designed to record keystrokes made by the user. One of the oldest types of cyber threats, these keyloggers record the information you type into a web or application. Legal types are seen in applications such as corporate job tracking or parental monitoring.


Types of Keyloggers According to Their Structure


Cyber attackers must obtain usernames and passwords to gain access to victims' accounts. At this stage, keyloggers are actively being widely used. Every key you press on your computer's keyboard can be recorded with these apps and cyber attackers. Unfortunately, using a virtual keyboard is not enough against cyber attacks. Although virtual keyboards can stop hardware keyloggers or some software keyloggers, there are also keylogging techniques that virtual keyboards fall short of.

The first keylogger applications appeared in the Soviet in the 1970s. At that time, the usual method of communication was written with electric typewriters, and intelligence personnel searched for this information. To obtain information from U.S. embassies, agents placed equipment that recorded printhead tapes on typewriters called IBM, which U.S. diplomats used for their purposes. In this way, all the data written can be in the print head, then transmitted to its units and read. Of course, Soviet agents' efforts to obtain classified information were not limited to this. In addition, hardware keyloggers hidden in the walls of the US Embassy buildings were also used in those years.


Software Based Keyloggers

Software keyloggers are code-based computer applications designed to record every keystroke. Once infected/placed in these apps, all your key entries are saved and forwarded to the user. When you press a key on the keyboard, it forwards that key entry to your operating system. Keystroke loggers intervene and the keystroke enters another place at this time. Many different types of techniques have been developed during this recording process.

Types of Software Based Keyloggers


Core-based keyloggers; It is one of the most dangerous species that runs the operating system. Unfortunately, the measures that can be taken against this are limited. They are also very difficult to detect because they have root access. Such keyloggers use keys to gain access to the kernel and usually perform their functions by gaining unauthorized access to the hardware.

Administrator-based keyloggers; It is one of the types of keyloggers that run in the hypervisor layer under the operating system. It is effective and works as a virtual machine.

Api-based keyloggers; This type of keylogger, which works by accessing the operating system's APIs, copies all the keystrokes that the operating system detects by hooking. They are active in many areas, from your remaining verification PINs to the BIOS query.

Form-based keyloggers; it was produced solely for the purpose of interfering with data forms and forms. They have the ability to listen to any form, from registration to entry forms, and copy any data submitted from those forms. These types are intended for Web applications in general.

Javasctipt based keyloggers; These are keyloggers to steal from users in web applications. A web page was hacked and injected with malicious code. In this way, the press of the keys of everyone who accesses the keyboard is recorded on the web page and transactions and the account information is stolen.

Memory-based keyloggers; It aims to bypass UAC, an operating system security mechanism on Windows computers. It can steal information by monitoring all the applications in it They leave no trace because they work in memory and are difficult to detect. It aims to bypass UAC, a system security mechanism that works on Windows computers.


Hardware Based Keyloggers

Hardware-based keyloggers are specialized devices built into the computer hardware. hardware, and they receive keystrokes on the hardware instead of the operating system. It can work without the need for any software.

Types of Hardware Based Keyloggers


Manufacturer-based keyloggers; This is a hardware fix that records every keystroke on the physical keyboard at the BIOS level. At this point, it is able to work with the highest level because it has been developed by the manufacturer.

Keyboard-based keyloggers; This is a built-in keylogger in the computer component. It is usually found as a circuit in the keyboard wiring. All keystrokes are recorded as they pass through the cable. Some types plug into the USB converter for laptops or plug into PCI cards for laptops.

Wireless keyloggers; These are passive detection keyloggers made for keyboards and wireless. They are capable of recording all keystrokes and encrypted communication between the keyboard and the USB-connected one. The stored encrypted data is then attacked by the attacker.

Keyloggers with keyboard layers; It is often used to record victim PINs, which are used in financial transactions and critical transactions. Some types are usually hidden under the ATM keyboard. all keys pressed on the key mechanism are recorded and the PIN code is stolen.

Acoustic Keyloggers; They are produced to track and decipher sounds when you press the keys on the keyboard. The acoustic signature of each key on the keyboard is then learned by analyzing the pressed keys and by specially prepared statistical methods.

Electromagnetic Keyloggers; It is based on the detection and capture of electromagnetic traces from wired keyboards. In general, and from these tracks it is possible to follow up to 20 meters.

Others; There are keyloggers that are produced for different and purposes such as optical observation, physics and sensors.




Translator: @ByFelez
Subject Author: @'SwooNN
Subject: https://www.turkhackteam.org/konular/keylogger-turleri-nedir-neler-yapabilir.2014715/
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