What is 5G? What Does 5G Technology Provide?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
Since mobile phones are one of the technologies most frequently used by human beings, mobile technologies are also developing rapidly. While 4G has just entered human life, 5G has become the agenda. This is a testament to how fast mobile technologies are evolving.
5G empowers IoT (Internet of Things) networks and facilitates new high-bandwidth applications. In this article, I will talk about 5G technology and what you need to know about 5G.

What is 5G?

5G is a term used to describe a set of standard applications and much faster wireless internet technologies. Users using 5G have much faster internet and less lag. Also, as 5G is the 5th generation, it means that the infrastructure has changed for the 5th time.
In every new generation technology, this infrastructure needs to be changed or added. In addition, as 5G strengthens IoT networks, it aims to make the VR and autonomous cars we use today more useful.

Differences Between 5G and 4G

While transitioning to a new generation wireless technology, the most striking feature is the speed of the internet. 5G networks have the potential to reach speeds of 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps. Not only is 5G surpassing the speeds of 4G networks, it's also much faster than the wired internet many people come home to.

5G offers network speeds that rival fiber optic connections. The most important feature 5G offers is speed, but one of the other features is the reduction of network latency, that is, minimizing ping. 5G significantly reduces the time taken during data transfer between the phone and the meter server and provides faster access to data. Network latency depends on many factors, but in ideal conditions, 5G networks give 60 to 120 times lower latency than 4G. These latency speeds will make a number of applications such as virtual reality usable in today's conditions.


Technologies Used in 5G
A number of independent technologies have been brought together to deliver the speed and latency improvements of 5G. You can find the most important of these technologies below.

Millimeter Wave (mmWave): 5G networks use frequencies in the 30 to 300 GHz range. The reason for using the name Millimeter Wave is that the wavelengths of the frequencies used vary between 1 and 10 millimeters. These frequency bands carry more information than the low-frequency signals used in 4G LTE. MmWave technology was previously both expensive and difficult to implement. Thanks to the developments in technology, this technology is now used in 5G.

Small Cells: One disadvantage of millimeter wave transmission is that it is more prone to interference than Wi-Fi or 4G signals when passing through physical objects. To overcome this problem, the model of 5G infrastructure was changed from 4G. Instead of the antenna masts provided by 4G, 5G networks will form smaller cell nodes, powered by base stations distributed throughout the city at approximately 250 meters intervals. 5G base stations require less power than 4G, making it easier to connect distribution poles to buildings.

Massive Multiple Antenna Systems (Massive MIMO): 5G antennas have multiple input multiple output (MIMO) so they can handle multiple simultaneous two-way conversations on the data signal. 5G networks can handle 20 times more conversations compared to 4G. Enormous multi-antenna systems serve to increase the capacity of base stations, and this capacity increase enables base stations to communicate with much more devices. This feature causes 5G (Internet of Things) to adapt with IoT. As a result, it allows more internet-connected wireless devices to be used in the same area without overloading the network.

Beamforming Technology: It is very difficult to get the 5G data message accurately and properly to the right places. In particular, it becomes more difficult when interference occurs in millimeter waves. To overcome this problem, 5g base stations started to use beamforming technology. In beamforming technology, antennas change the signal distribution according to the devices that want to connect to the wireless network. In this way, the network coverage area moves according to the devices and changes shape according to their location. As a result of these processes, 5G provides a stronger and higher quality connection.


5G Frequencies
Compared to LTE, 5G has three frequencies in itself. Therefore, these frequencies will provide a different user experience to each user. These frequencies are called low band, mid band and high band frequency.

Low Band Frequency is also defined as 1GHz Frequency. It is the number one band in terms of low band usage for LTE operators. It has low band frequency, wide coverage and good wall penetration. However, the maximum speed received at the low band frequency is 100 Mbps.

Mid Band Frequency is faster than low band and has less latency. However, the midband frequency does not penetrate walls as much as the low band. It is possible to see speeds up to 1Gbps in the middle band.

High Band Frequency is the frequency that provides the most ideal and high performance for 5G. This frequency can offer top speeds of up to 10 Gbps and has significantly lower latency compared to other frequencies. High Band Frequency has low coverage and low building penetration. Higher bands were previously used to transmit data from the mainnet to smaller subnets. However, it was never made available on users' devices. This was because previously miniaturized antennas were not available.


Disadvantages of 5G
Although 5G has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. Three of these disadvantages are as follows.

5G Installation Cost: Developing or adapting 5G infrastructure to existing cellular infrastructure can result in high costs. When the infrastructure needed to provide high speed is established, these prices can be reflected on the customers and it can be aimed to be removed from the users. However, operators have already started to turn to alternative methods in order not to reflect the price on the user.

Rural Use: 5G can provide a really fast connection for urban areas, but people living in rural areas will not be able to take full advantage of 5G connectivity. As 5G operators will target big cities, it will come to users living in rural areas last.

Battery Issues of Devices: Devices connected to 5G seem to run out of batteries in a short time. In order for 5G to be used efficiently on devices, battery technology needs to progress. In addition, users who use 5G on their devices claim that it gets very hot, as well as dead batteries, and they are starting to complain about this.

5G Phones
While 5G is not common in many countries, some 5G phones are already available. 5G is now available on many phones such as the Huawei Mate X, Samsung Galaxy 10 and Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. But it's worth the wait as no one knows when 5G will be available. For example, Apple only uses 5G technology on the Iphone 12, as it is not currently looking at 5G. But it can also be seen as a strategy for Apple. In 2012, Apple switched from Samsung phones to 4G later. So just as it takes time for people to adapt to technology, the same goes for phone companies.


So, is there 5G in Turkey?
Although many regions of the world are starting to switch to 5G, 5G is currently not available and not used in Turkey. However, despite Covid-19, the development work in different units of 5G technology continues uninterruptedly. The estimated launch date of 5G is expected to be in mid-2021. However, it is necessary to wait until 2022 for the whole country to be used together. Although some companies have released 5G for a trial version, there is no system available to the public for 5G use. One of the systems that stood out during the pandemic period was the communication infrastructure. 5G is tried to be offered to the public by establishing a good infrastructure and base stations.



20 Haz 2021
Front-End-Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa
Since mobile phones are one of the technologies most frequently used by human beings, mobile technologies are also developing rapidly. While 4G has just entered human life, 5G has become the agenda. This is a testament to how fast mobile technologies are evolving.
5G empowers IoT (Internet of Things) networks and facilitates new high-bandwidth applications. In this article, I will talk about 5G technology and what you need to know about 5G.

What is 5G?

5G is a term used to describe a set of standard applications and much faster wireless internet technologies. Users using 5G have much faster internet and less lag. Also, as 5G is the 5th generation, it means that the infrastructure has changed for the 5th time.
In every new generation technology, this infrastructure needs to be changed or added. In addition, as 5G strengthens IoT networks, it aims to make the VR and autonomous cars we use today more useful.

Differences Between 5G and 4G

While transitioning to a new generation wireless technology, the most striking feature is the speed of the internet. 5G networks have the potential to reach speeds of 10 Gbps to 20 Gbps. Not only is 5G surpassing the speeds of 4G networks, it's also much faster than the wired internet many people come home to.

5G offers network speeds that rival fiber optic connections. The most important feature 5G offers is speed, but one of the other features is the reduction of network latency, that is, minimizing ping. 5G significantly reduces the time taken during data transfer between the phone and the meter server and provides faster access to data. Network latency depends on many factors, but in ideal conditions, 5G networks give 60 to 120 times lower latency than 4G. These latency speeds will make a number of applications such as virtual reality usable in today's conditions.


Technologies Used in 5G
A number of independent technologies have been brought together to deliver the speed and latency improvements of 5G. You can find the most important of these technologies below.

Millimeter Wave (mmWave): 5G networks use frequencies in the 30 to 300 GHz range. The reason for using the name Millimeter Wave is that the wavelengths of the frequencies used vary between 1 and 10 millimeters. These frequency bands carry more information than the low-frequency signals used in 4G LTE. MmWave technology was previously both expensive and difficult to implement. Thanks to the developments in technology, this technology is now used in 5G.

Small Cells: One disadvantage of millimeter wave transmission is that it is more prone to interference than Wi-Fi or 4G signals when passing through physical objects. To overcome this problem, the model of 5G infrastructure was changed from 4G. Instead of the antenna masts provided by 4G, 5G networks will form smaller cell nodes, powered by base stations distributed throughout the city at approximately 250 meters intervals. 5G base stations require less power than 4G, making it easier to connect distribution poles to buildings.

Massive Multiple Antenna Systems (Massive MIMO): 5G antennas have multiple input multiple output (MIMO) so they can handle multiple simultaneous two-way conversations on the data signal. 5G networks can handle 20 times more conversations compared to 4G. Enormous multi-antenna systems serve to increase the capacity of base stations, and this capacity increase enables base stations to communicate with much more devices. This feature causes 5G (Internet of Things) to adapt with IoT. As a result, it allows more internet-connected wireless devices to be used in the same area without overloading the network.

Beamforming Technology: It is very difficult to get the 5G data message accurately and properly to the right places. In particular, it becomes more difficult when interference occurs in millimeter waves. To overcome this problem, 5g base stations started to use beamforming technology. In beamforming technology, antennas change the signal distribution according to the devices that want to connect to the wireless network. In this way, the network coverage area moves according to the devices and changes shape according to their location. As a result of these processes, 5G provides a stronger and higher quality connection.


5G Frequencies
Compared to LTE, 5G has three frequencies in itself. Therefore, these frequencies will provide a different user experience to each user. These frequencies are called low band, mid band and high band frequency.

Low Band Frequency is also defined as 1GHz Frequency. It is the number one band in terms of low band usage for LTE operators. It has low band frequency, wide coverage and good wall penetration. However, the maximum speed received at the low band frequency is 100 Mbps.

Mid Band Frequency is faster than low band and has less latency. However, the midband frequency does not penetrate walls as much as the low band. It is possible to see speeds up to 1Gbps in the middle band.

High Band Frequency is the frequency that provides the most ideal and high performance for 5G. This frequency can offer top speeds of up to 10 Gbps and has significantly lower latency compared to other frequencies. High Band Frequency has low coverage and low building penetration. Higher bands were previously used to transmit data from the mainnet to smaller subnets. However, it was never made available on users' devices. This was because previously miniaturized antennas were not available.


Disadvantages of 5G
Although 5G has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages. Three of these disadvantages are as follows.

5G Installation Cost: Developing or adapting 5G infrastructure to existing cellular infrastructure can result in high costs. When the infrastructure needed to provide high speed is established, these prices can be reflected on the customers and it can be aimed to be removed from the users. However, operators have already started to turn to alternative methods in order not to reflect the price on the user.

Rural Use: 5G can provide a really fast connection for urban areas, but people living in rural areas will not be able to take full advantage of 5G connectivity. As 5G operators will target big cities, it will come to users living in rural areas last.

Battery Issues of Devices: Devices connected to 5G seem to run out of batteries in a short time. In order for 5G to be used efficiently on devices, battery technology needs to progress. In addition, users who use 5G on their devices claim that it gets very hot, as well as dead batteries, and they are starting to complain about this.

5G Phones
While 5G is not common in many countries, some 5G phones are already available. 5G is now available on many phones such as the Huawei Mate X, Samsung Galaxy 10 and Xiaomi Mi Mix 3. But it's worth the wait as no one knows when 5G will be available. For example, Apple only uses 5G technology on the Iphone 12, as it is not currently looking at 5G. But it can also be seen as a strategy for Apple. In 2012, Apple switched from Samsung phones to 4G later. So just as it takes time for people to adapt to technology, the same goes for phone companies.


So, is there 5G in Turkey?
Although many regions of the world are starting to switch to 5G, 5G is currently not available and not used in Turkey. However, despite Covid-19, the development work in different units of 5G technology continues uninterruptedly. The estimated launch date of 5G is expected to be in mid-2021. However, it is necessary to wait until 2022 for the whole country to be used together. Although some companies have released 5G for a trial version, there is no system available to the public for 5G use. One of the systems that stood out during the pandemic period was the communication infrastructure. 5G is tried to be offered to the public by establishing a good infrastructure and base stations.

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