What is ADSL ?

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19 Tem 2011
Hello TurkHackTeam family
What is ADSL for you today? I'm going to talk about it.

What's ADSL?
ADSL (English: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line is the most commonly used connection technique for internet connection today.
A distributor (Splitter) allows both the ADSL line and incoming calls with a single phone connection. ADSL can usually be distributed to distances not within 4 kilometers of the head office. But it can reach up to eight km to the extent permitted by cable connection.

The line for the traditional phone network at the telephone exchange usually ends in the Digital Subscriber Line Access Multitresor/Sharer (English: Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer), where another frequency distributor allocates the audio band signal. Data carried by ADSL is usually routed through the phone company's data network and eventually reaches the internet protocol network.
The asymmetric word indicates that the data transfer rate is not equal for shipping and purchase. The user's data acquisition rate is higher than the shipping speed.

It is a modem technology that can simultaneously communicate high-speed data, audio and video through copper wires used for existing phones.
With the goal of using the existing phone line more effectively, it provides the user with extensive data transfer by increasing the data proficiency that can be transferred with numerical dataing technique. Therefore, this technology allows us to use digital data and audio information at the same time. A splitter/separator is required to ensure that audio and data information do not affect each other.

There are different ADSL protocols, they; PPPoA - VCmux/Null (Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM), PPPoA - LLC (Point-to-Point Protocol over ATM - Logical Link Control) and PPPoE - LLC (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet - Logical Link Control). Both protocols have similar characteristics in terms of speed. The biggest difference between PPPoA and PPPoE is: Most of the work done at PPPoA is done by hardware. Most ports that have been opened for a long time support the PPPoE - LLC protocol.

Translator : megat
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