What is API?


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016


What is API?
API (Application Programming Interface) is a software tool that allows connection between two applications. Whenever you use applications like Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, whenever you send messages, and whenever you check your wearher in mobile, that means you use API.

When you use an application in your phone, that application connects to internet and send data to server. Server receives these datas, interprets them, performs necessary processes and sends back to phone. Applicaiton interprets these datas and converts them into readable version. This is API and how API works.


API Usage
APIs are generally used by web and software developers. When you need to benefit from another service feature of program, you can use API to do that.

APIs are offered by services itself to developers. Nowadays, especially Google and Facebook, support service developers with their own APIs and help them to create better softwares.


Source: https://www.turkhackteam.org/genel-programlama/1881515-api-nedir-akovskiniz.html
Translator: R4V3N
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