What is BugBounty?


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
What is BugBounty?

Bounty is a first-class cybersecurity program launched by various institutions and organizations to detect, test and eliminate vulnerabilities in the program. People who participate in Bug Bounty programs and test and report software vulnerabilities are called Bug Hunters.

Why Bug Bounty?

Response of the Company

First of all, let's answer this question as companies. One of the main reasons companies start bug-bounty programs is the "more work, less cost" policy. Thanks to the Bugbounty software, companies can test hundreds of people, test the system from different angles, and pay less than a security firm.

Cyber Security Researchers answer

Let's answer this question as cybersecurity researchers. Thousands of people around the world participate in Bug Bounty programs and report software vulnerabilities to companies. They get, As a result, more cash rewards and sometimes shirts, stickers, bags, etc. They are rewarded with them. Bounty programs enable the researcher to earn money while at the same time allowing the researcher to develop legally in the same direction. The reason I say legitimate is that searching for vulnerabilities on any website on the Internet is a global crime. However, test companies' websites or apps with the Bug Bounty program is not a crime. Therefore, researchers have the opportunity to test their abilities in the real world and shape them to the real world.

What are the most preferred BugBounty Platforms?

- HackerOne
- BugCrowd
- İntiqriti
- Kobalt
- Synack

Recommended Bug Hunters for Watching:

- fransrosen
- avlidienbrunn
- thedawgyg
- smiegles
- jobertabma
- stokfredrik
- gerben_javado
- NahamSec
- emgeekboy
- EdOverFlow
- NathOnSecurity​


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