What is CDN? What Does It Do?

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19 Tem 2011
CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. CDN makes opening your website faster and visitors having quality time happen by visitors sending static files (css,js,resim,video, etc.) to closest cdn server in order to relieving servers of large size websites and providing fast opening for visitors. That way website's sourcing will be pretty much relieved. Not only for large size website, it can be preferred for even small size website just for performance increase.


CDN servers: Akamai, Amazon CloudFront, Broadpeak, and Google Cloud Cdn (it also has been chosen fastest ssl cdn in the world by 'Cedexis').

Useful links:

Global Latency Performance

What's the Best Cloud? Probably GCP

Find Out Best CDN For Your Area

W3 Total Cache - Plugin For WordPress

How Secure is a CDN?

If your webite's whole datas are on one and only server, your website becomes the target and your datas can be stolen with a couple methods. What about CDN? CDN can make it look like your data goes through proxy server, for throwing others off the scent. As a pro, it protects your datas by keeping TLS/SSL certificate up-to-date.

CDN Security - SSL/TLS


One of the factors that will make that your website is located at the top when it's been searched, your website's fast opening. If a foreign visitor wants to open your website -and you don't use CDN- it'll take more time to download your files such as image, video, or sound.. But if you used CDN, your website takes minimum time to download your datas from closest CDN server.

Types of CDN

Pull CDN

It directs a user who wants to enter your website to the closest CDN server, all the content is stored in one place and the data is "pulled" to the user upon request. When the same person sends a request to re-enter, the data is brought from the stored cache and the website opening speed is optimized and the load on the main server is minimized.

Push CDN

Lemme explain it simply, it'ld not wrong to say a secondary server. Website owner selects the content on his/her dedicated FTP server. Not all service providers use FTP. Sometimes protocols like Rest and Soap are used, too (i'm gonna explain what are they). The reason why it's not so popular anymore is that it's being manual.

What is Rest?

Rest stands for 'Representational State Transfer'. It connects server and client by authorizing necessary things with HTTP methods (like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE). You can add, delete, or modify your files thanks to that authorizing. APIs that have all these features called 'Restful'.

What is Soap?

Soap stands for 'Simple Access Protocol'. It makes communication with HTTP protocols. That communication is between web services and machines. It uses RPC (Remote Procedure Call) model and harder than Rest. And it's xml-based.

That's all i can say. I hope it'ld be useful for you guys. Take care!

Original: https://www.turkhackteam.org/network/1891062-cdn-nedir-ve-ne-ise-yarar-hacker.html
Translator: R4V3N
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