What is firewall?


Katılımcı Üye
17 Ağu 2023
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Hello TurkHackTeam Family, today we will learn what a firewall is, let's move on to our topic.


Firewalls protect the devices on your network and the attacks of other people on your devices and you from people trying to access without permission. Firewalls are divided into two types, the first one is hardware. The other is software-based.
The firewall controls the traffic, that is, it passes the harmless ones and takes the harmful ones. We can think of this as a kind of traffic police, stopping the cars without a license or those with a problem, and stopping the people with a driver's license who do not have a problem, but after checking, it allows these cars to pass.



Well, some of you may say "I don't want to use this", what are the reasons for using it?
1. Precautions against major threats and attacks: In these days, rats, ddos, etc. Attacks have increased and if you want to be protected from them, using a firewall is the first option to ensure our security.

2. Electronic mail security: It plays an important role in ensuring the security of companies' e-mails. Therefore, they should use extra e-mail security software in addition to firewall software.

What kind of firewall can we use in our personal environment?
What kind of software do we have in our personal environment? These applications that I will show can sometimes be really useful, so here are a few familiar programs that do a very good job with the firewall:
1.Kaspersky Total Security:
An application that you can use on both your computer and mobile device, it is also the best antivirus software at the moment.

2.Windows Defender Firewall:
It is a software that comes with the Windows operating system and does a good job.
3.ESET Internet Security:
This also offers us a firewall option along with antivirus software that works very well.

What kind of things should we pay attention to when purchasing Firewall?
When purchasing a firewall:
1.Does it meet your needs? :
I mean, you have more than one device, instead of installing separate firewalls on them, you want to install it on a single computer through which the internet passes, but can it handle this, etc.? You need to look at these.
2. Being rich in features:
The more features it has, the more it will be useful to you. In other words, DDO detects the IP addresses of the horse and sends them to you via message. (If there is nothing like this in the market, it is a logical system)
If your Firewall cannot prevent even a 1 GB attack, it means that it is a problem for you. So, get useful firewalls with high performance as much as possible.

Hardware Firewall
This device is installed on the internet between two or more devices. Thanks to this device, it does not require any action from your device and does not affect your performance. You give this device a list, it checks the one in the list and lets it in. However, the machine here is actually a router, so it is just a file in the firewall. Of course, it does this. There are some that sell it separately, but it is possible to install it inside the router. (My advice is to buy a separate device and you will not tire your router, the firewall device takes all the load.)
In other words, this file consists of a file containing simple rules about the traffic of data between routers and the network.

Recommendation: It is the hardware firewall that I recommend and use the most. It does not tire my computer or mobile device and has a significant effect on the healthier functioning of my internet network. Therefore, if you are going to buy a firewall from a company, get a hardware firewall and it will do the job.


Software Firewall
This system is generally installed on server services on the network. The server protects security by rejecting connection requests. It is more useful in terms of performance. It is more flexible and easier to use than hardware firewalls. Software firewalls are generally software firewalls that come normally with an operating system.
Recommendation: There is no rule that a hardware firewall must be used, so we can use some applications here. Although they may cause some performance problems, they are systems that do a very good job and are a system that most people use.


Circuit Level Firewall
In this type of system, our system first distinguishes whether the incoming packets are for data or connection. In other words, in this system, it first checks the packets without reporting the IP address and traffic source.
So let's give an example, there is a cargo coming to you, you check whether it is coming to you or your brother. But you check who it is from last.


Stateful Inspection Firewall
It monitors the status of an active network while also analyzing incoming traffic and analyzing risk on the device.
We can give an example of this:
Think of yourself as security while helping people.
At the same time, you ensure the security of the area. Thus, you provide both assistance and security. This includes the same logic, both monitoring the network and analyzing the risk.


That's all, thank you for reading.
Happy Forums...


24 Ağu 2023


Hello TurkHackTeam Family, today we will learn what a firewall is, let's move on to our topic.


Firewalls protect the devices on your network and the attacks of other people on your devices and you from people trying to access without permission. Firewalls are divided into two types, the first one is hardware. The other is software-based.
The firewall controls the traffic, that is, it passes the harmless ones and takes the harmful ones. We can think of this as a kind of traffic police, stopping the cars without a license or those with a problem, and stopping the people with a driver's license who do not have a problem, but after checking, it allows these cars to pass.



Well, some of you may say "I don't want to use this", what are the reasons for using it?
1. Precautions against major threats and attacks: In these days, rats, ddos, etc. Attacks have increased and if you want to be protected from them, using a firewall is the first option to ensure our security.

2. Electronic mail security: It plays an important role in ensuring the security of companies' e-mails. Therefore, they should use extra e-mail security software in addition to firewall software.

What kind of firewall can we use in our personal environment?
What kind of software do we have in our personal environment? These applications that I will show can sometimes be really useful, so here are a few familiar programs that do a very good job with the firewall:
1.Kaspersky Total Security:
An application that you can use on both your computer and mobile device, it is also the best antivirus software at the moment.

2.Windows Defender Firewall:
It is a software that comes with the Windows operating system and does a good job.
3.ESET Internet Security:
This also offers us a firewall option along with antivirus software that works very well.

What kind of things should we pay attention to when purchasing Firewall?
When purchasing a firewall:
1.Does it meet your needs? :
I mean, you have more than one device, instead of installing separate firewalls on them, you want to install it on a single computer through which the internet passes, but can it handle this, etc.? You need to look at these.
2. Being rich in features:
The more features it has, the more it will be useful to you. In other words, DDO detects the IP addresses of the horse and sends them to you via message. (If there is nothing like this in the market, it is a logical system)
If your Firewall cannot prevent even a 1 GB attack, it means that it is a problem for you. So, get useful firewalls with high performance as much as possible.

Hardware Firewall
This device is installed on the internet between two or more devices. Thanks to this device, it does not require any action from your device and does not affect your performance. You give this device a list, it checks the one in the list and lets it in. However, the machine here is actually a router, so it is just a file in the firewall. Of course, it does this. There are some that sell it separately, but it is possible to install it inside the router. (My advice is to buy a separate device and you will not tire your router, the firewall device takes all the load.)
In other words, this file consists of a file containing simple rules about the traffic of data between routers and the network.

Recommendation: It is the hardware firewall that I recommend and use the most. It does not tire my computer or mobile device and has a significant effect on the healthier functioning of my internet network. Therefore, if you are going to buy a firewall from a company, get a hardware firewall and it will do the job.


Software Firewall
This system is generally installed on server services on the network. The server protects security by rejecting connection requests. It is more useful in terms of performance. It is more flexible and easier to use than hardware firewalls. Software firewalls are generally software firewalls that come normally with an operating system.
Recommendation: There is no rule that a hardware firewall must be used, so we can use some applications here. Although they may cause some performance problems, they are systems that do a very good job and are a system that most people use.


Circuit Level Firewall
In this type of system, our system first distinguishes whether the incoming packets are for data or connection. In other words, in this system, it first checks the packets without reporting the IP address and traffic source.
So let's give an example, there is a cargo coming to you, you check whether it is coming to you or your brother. But you check who it is from last.


Stateful Inspection Firewall
It monitors the status of an active network while also analyzing incoming traffic and analyzing risk on the device.
We can give an example of this:
Think of yourself as security while helping people.
At the same time, you ensure the security of the area. Thus, you provide both assistance and security. This includes the same logic, both monitoring the network and analyzing the risk.


That's all, thank you for reading.
Happy Forums...
Good job

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