What is Phishing?


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
21 Ağu 2016
Phishing is a form of criminal action of the false representation in order to obtain material or other benefits. One of today's biggest and fastest growing online threats is phishing, i.e. copying information such as credit card accounts, passwords and personal identification numbers. This information can be used for online or offline fraud. There are two ways of phishing. One way is the theft of information from databases of banks, e-shops, accounting institutions and other institutions which store such information.

Another way is that the attacker directly steals information or gets them on fraud. When it comes to the first method, it is necessary to monitor our bank statements and statements from credit cards in order to notice strange transactions and to be careful about the people with whom we do business. When it comes to another way, we can do more about it, but first, let us say a bit about different types of fraud. According to the Federal Trade Commission, nearly 10 million of Americans were victims of phishing in 2003. In extreme cases, financial losses are up to several tens of thousands of dollars. Your ability to prove your identity, or the power of persuasion that you are indeed the person you represent is the main way in which the trade functions in today's world.

The identity evidence is used to confirm your authenticity to the organizations with which you do business or to authorize the delivery of services or transactions. On the Internet, your identity consists of several elements, such as user names, passwords, personal identification numbers (PIN), unique identification numbers, various account numbers and other personal data. These digital profiles operate under the assumption that you are the only person who knows your data. That assumption is bad and makes it easier for criminals to commit a crime.

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