What is Rat?


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
What is Rat?


"Trojans" or "RATs" (Remote Access Trojans) are malicious software used to gain remote access to a computer or device. Once installed, these malware allow attackers to remotely access the target devices, giving them control over the device and enabling them to carry out various operations. These operations may include downloading files, stealing passwords, taking screenshots, and recording keyboard inputs.

Trojans or RATs are typically spread to users through various methods, including fake emails, malicious websites, illegal software download sites, and various file-sharing networks. While allowing attackers to gain access to target devices, Trojans or RATs can also endanger the security of the target devices. Therefore, it is important for users to use up-to-date antivirus software to protect themselves against malware, download software only from trusted sources, and avoid opening suspicious emails or links.

What is FUD?


A technique called "Fully Undetectable" or "FUD" is used to make malware undetectable. This method combines various techniques to prevent antivirus software from detecting the malware.

To make malware FUD, you can follow these steps:

1> Code Encryption: By encrypting the malware code, you can make it difficult for antivirus software to understand the purpose of the software.

2> Obfuscation: Obfuscation means hiding the malware code using various techniques to make it difficult to understand. For example, you can change the code or use different names to make it harder to read and understand.

3> No signature: By making the malware unsigned, you can make it harder for antivirus software to detect the software.

4> Virtual machine control: Some malware uses virtual machine control to prevent antivirus software from detecting the code by running it in a virtual machine.

5> Continuous updating: By constantly updating the malware, you can make it harder for antivirus software to detect it.

Making malware FUD makes it undetectable, but it does not reduce its potential to harm others. Therefore, it is better to use reliable antivirus software and keep your computer up to date to protect against malware.

Viruses can spread in many different ways, including:

How do we spread the rat or Trojan?


1> Email: By sending an email with a virus-infected file attachment, you can trick computer users into downloading the virus onto their computers.

2> File sharing networks: By uploading a virus-infected file to a file sharing network, you can trick other users into downloading and installing the virus.

3> USB drives: By copying a virus-infected file to a USB drive, you can spread the virus when the drive is connected to another computer.

4> Illegal software download sites: By publishing a virus-infected file on illegal software download sites, you can trick users into downloading the infected file.

5> Exploiting security vulnerabilities: By exploiting security vulnerabilities in computer systems, you can infect a computer with a virus.

Spreading viruses is illegal and can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to be careful and use reliable antivirus software to protect against virus infections.

Source: www.turkhackteam.org/konular/rat-nedir-fud-nasil-yapilir-rat-nasil-yayilir.2036329/

Yeni Kullanıcıyım Ben

Katılımcı Üye
11 Ara 2022
What is Rat?


"Trojans" or "RATs" (Remote Access Trojans) are malicious software used to gain remote access to a computer or device. Once installed, these malware allow attackers to remotely access the target devices, giving them control over the device and enabling them to carry out various operations. These operations may include downloading files, stealing passwords, taking screenshots, and recording keyboard inputs.

Trojans or RATs are typically spread to users through various methods, including fake emails, malicious websites, illegal software download sites, and various file-sharing networks. While allowing attackers to gain access to target devices, Trojans or RATs can also endanger the security of the target devices. Therefore, it is important for users to use up-to-date antivirus software to protect themselves against malware, download software only from trusted sources, and avoid opening suspicious emails or links.

What is FUD?


A technique called "Fully Undetectable" or "FUD" is used to make malware undetectable. This method combines various techniques to prevent antivirus software from detecting the malware.

To make malware FUD, you can follow these steps:

1> Code Encryption: By encrypting the malware code, you can make it difficult for antivirus software to understand the purpose of the software.

2> Obfuscation: Obfuscation means hiding the malware code using various techniques to make it difficult to understand. For example, you can change the code or use different names to make it harder to read and understand.

3> No signature: By making the malware unsigned, you can make it harder for antivirus software to detect the software.

4> Virtual machine control: Some malware uses virtual machine control to prevent antivirus software from detecting the code by running it in a virtual machine.

5> Continuous updating: By constantly updating the malware, you can make it harder for antivirus software to detect it.

Making malware FUD makes it undetectable, but it does not reduce its potential to harm others. Therefore, it is better to use reliable antivirus software and keep your computer up to date to protect against malware.

Viruses can spread in many different ways, including:

How do we spread the rat or Trojan?


1> Email: By sending an email with a virus-infected file attachment, you can trick computer users into downloading the virus onto their computers.

2> File sharing networks: By uploading a virus-infected file to a file sharing network, you can trick other users into downloading and installing the virus.

3> USB drives: By copying a virus-infected file to a USB drive, you can spread the virus when the drive is connected to another computer.

4> Illegal software download sites: By publishing a virus-infected file on illegal software download sites, you can trick users into downloading the infected file.

5> Exploiting security vulnerabilities: By exploiting security vulnerabilities in computer systems, you can infect a computer with a virus.

Spreading viruses is illegal and can have serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to be careful and use reliable antivirus software to protect against virus infections.

Source: www.turkhackteam.org/konular/rat-nedir-fud-nasil-yapilir-rat-nasil-yayilir.2036329/

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