What is Steghide?

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19 Tem 2011
Steghide is a steganography program developed in C++ that allows you to hide data inside of audio and image. There are both compress and encrypt features about embedded datas. 128 Bit (Rijndael) is used as default encryption method.

Download from -> https://sourceforge.net/projects/steghide/files/steghide/

General Features

- Compression of embedded data
- Encryption of embedded data
- Verification of data integrity
- It supports PEG, BMP, WAV and AU files


- Embed: It is used for embedding data inside of media files. You can hide data by inputting password with this command. There are 2 important terms here.
- Cover File: This is the file that you want to put something in it.
- Embed File: This is the data to hide.

"./steghide embed -cf picture.jpg -ef secret.txt"

With this command, you'll select picture.jpg as cover file and secret.txt as embed file. When you run this command, it'll ask a password from you. It'll be done after you input it.

Extract: It is used for extracting hidden data from media file.


info, --info
Display information about a cover or stego file.

encinfo, --encinfo
Display a list of encryption algorithms and modesthat can be used. No arguments required.

version, --version
Display short version information. No arguments required.

license, --license
Display steghide's license. No arguments required.

help, --help
Display a help screen. No arguments required.

-ef, --embedfile filename
Specify the file that will be embedded.

-cf, --coverfile filename
Specify the cover file that will be used to embed data.

-sf, --stegofile filename
Specify the name for the stego file that will be created.

-Z, --dontcompress
Do not compress the secret data before embedding it.

-K, --nochecksum
Do not embed a CRC32 checksum.

-N, --dontembedname
Do not embed the file name of the secret file.


First Step: Make your image and text files ready.

de7021044a373dbed3d01e7a7f756623 -> şifre (pass in Turkish)


Second Step: Now we hid our message.

".\steghide.exe embed -cf pourla.jpg -ef pourla.TXT -p "şifre" -sf pourlatv.jpg -v"


Third Step: And now we extracted our message.

.\steghide.exe extract -sf pourlatv.jpg -p "şifre"
the file "pourla.txt" does already exist. overwrite ? (y/n) y
wrote extracted data to "pourla.txt".

Original: https://www.turkhackteam.org/kriptografi-sifreleme/1877986-steghide-pourla.html
Translator: R4V3N
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