Who is Martyred Major General Aydoğan Aydın?


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

Aydoğan Aydın was born on 5 June 1966 in Başçiftlik district of Tokat. Aydın, who spent his childhood years in this district, settled with his uncle after the separation of his parents. After completing his primary and secondary school education in this district, Aydın started to study at Pamukpınar Teachers High School in Sivas Yıldızeli. Some time after graduating from here, he decided to become an officer.

Military career
Aydoğan Aydın graduated from the Turkish Military Academy in 1987. He was the platoon commander of the 6th Infantry Brigade in Istanbul between 1988 and 1992 and the Special Forces Command between 1992 and 1998. In 1992, he fought for Azerbaijan together with Engin Alan in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Aydın, who studied at the Military Academy between 1998-2000, served as the Operations Branch Manager in the Hakkâri Mountain Commando Brigade Command between 2000-2001.

Then, respectively; He served in units such as Battalion Command and Chief of Staff in the ÖKK between 2001-2008, NATO Permanent Duty in Germany between 2008-2010, Commando Regiment Command in Gökçeada between 2010-2012, and Kayseri Commando Brigade Command between 2012-2016.

During the 2016 Turkish military coup attempt that took place during his tenure in Çukurca, Aydoğan Aydın called the Kayseri Commando Brigade, of which he was the commander, and instructed, "Not a single soldier will go out." In the investigation initiated afterwards, he was detained in Çukurca on the grounds that he was a member of FETÖ/PDY, and later released on condition of a ban on going abroad and judicial control. After the investigation, he was promoted to Major General in August 2016 because he was not a member of the Peace Council at Home, but rather tried to prevent the coup.

Since then, he has served as the commander of the Şırnak 23rd Gendarmerie Border Division and personally directed the Kato operation. During the operation, it raided many PKK bunkers. During this period, she spoke on the phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once and said, "Many living materials were found. The clearance of this region and the neutralization of the terrorists in this region will contribute to the fight against terrorism throughout Turkey. We continue with determination." He also met with Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım.

Aydın was in the Eurocopter Cougar model helicopter that took off from the Şenoba neighborhood of Uludere district of Şırnak on the evening of May 31, 2017 to go to the city center of Şırnak. Three minutes after takeoff, the helicopter was caught in high voltage lines and the accident was broken and Aydoğan Aydın, along with all the military personnel inside, died at the age of 50.




Uzman üye
9 Mar 2023
Orta doğu
Aydoğan Aydın was born on 5 June 1966 in Başçiftlik district of Tokat. Aydın, who spent his childhood years in this district, settled with his uncle after the separation of his parents. After completing his primary and secondary school education in this district, Aydın started to study at Pamukpınar Teachers High School in Sivas Yıldızeli. Some time after graduating from here, he decided to become an officer.

Military career
Aydoğan Aydın graduated from the Turkish Military Academy in 1987. He was the platoon commander of the 6th Infantry Brigade in Istanbul between 1988 and 1992 and the Special Forces Command between 1992 and 1998. In 1992, he fought for Azerbaijan together with Engin Alan in the Nagorno-Karabakh War.

Aydın, who studied at the Military Academy between 1998-2000, served as the Operations Branch Manager in the Hakkâri Mountain Commando Brigade Command between 2000-2001.

Then, respectively; He served in units such as Battalion Command and Chief of Staff in the ÖKK between 2001-2008, NATO Permanent Duty in Germany between 2008-2010, Commando Regiment Command in Gökçeada between 2010-2012, and Kayseri Commando Brigade Command between 2012-2016.

During the 2016 Turkish military coup attempt that took place during his tenure in Çukurca, Aydoğan Aydın called the Kayseri Commando Brigade, of which he was the commander, and instructed, "Not a single soldier will go out." In the investigation initiated afterwards, he was detained in Çukurca on the grounds that he was a member of FETÖ/PDY, and later released on condition of a ban on going abroad and judicial control. After the investigation, he was promoted to Major General in August 2016 because he was not a member of the Peace Council at Home, but rather tried to prevent the coup.

Since then, he has served as the commander of the Şırnak 23rd Gendarmerie Border Division and personally directed the Kato operation. During the operation, it raided many PKK bunkers. During this period, she spoke on the phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan once and said, "Many living materials were found. The clearance of this region and the neutralization of the terrorists in this region will contribute to the fight against terrorism throughout Turkey. We continue with determination." He also met with Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu and Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım.

Aydın was in the Eurocopter Cougar model helicopter that took off from the Şenoba neighborhood of Uludere district of Şırnak on the evening of May 31, 2017 to go to the city center of Şırnak. Three minutes after takeoff, the helicopter was caught in high voltage lines and the accident was broken and Aydoğan Aydın, along with all the military personnel inside, died at the age of 50.


First of all, I wish Allah mercy to all our martyrs on being general Aydogan Aydin

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