Yaptığım bir kaç Python Kodlarını paylaşıyorum


Yeni üye
16 Eyl 2021
Merhaba değerli Python öğrenen arkadaşlar!.
Python'da yaptığım basit işinize yarayabilecek kodları paylaşıyorum

Encrypted Admin Giriş Paneli
Login: admin
Şifre: 12345678
Renk kodlarının çalışması için şu adresten

Renk Kütübhanesi
kodları indirip aynı klösöre atmanız gerekir.
Yada aşağıdakı kodların üst kısımına yapıştırabilirsiniz
"from color_lib import CL" silmeniz gerekecektir.
import hashlib import time from color_lib import CL the_copy = CL(""" [yellow] __ \ _ \ |___ / | | __| | | _` | _ \ __| | | ( | | ( | ) | | ____/ \___|\___/ \__,_|____/ _| [br] """) print(the_copy) def acc(): user_data = "8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918" pass_data = "ef797c8118f02dfb649607dd5d3f8c7623048c9c063d532cc95c5ed7a898a64f" counter = 3 while True: select_c = input(CL("\n 🔐[yellow] Login:[br] 1\n 🔏[yellow] Reset Password: [br] 2\n 》: ")) if select_c == "1": if (counter >0): username = input(CL("[yellow]Username:[br] ")) password = input(CL("[yellow]Password:[br] ")) encode_username = hashlib.sha256(username.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() encode_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if (encode_username == user_data and encode_password == pass_data): print(CL("\n ✅[green]Login Succeful!.[br]")) break elif (encode_username == user_data and encode_password != pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Password Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) elif (encode_username != user_data and encode_password == pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Username Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) elif (encode_username != user_data and encode_password != pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Username and Password Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) counter -= 1 print(CL("[magenta] You have[blue]《"),counter,CL("》[magenta]more attempts[br]\n")) else: print(CL("[red] ⚠️ You're attempted many times wrong! \nWait[blue]《 15 》[red]Second [br]")) for t in range(14,0,-1): time.sleep(1) print(CL("[red]Wait[blue]《"),t,CL("》[red]Second[br]")) print("\n") return acc() elif (select_c == "2"): re_pass = input(CL("[yellow]New Password: ")) conf_pass = input("Confirm Password: ") if re_pass == conf_pass: pass_conf = len(re_pass) if pass_conf >= 8: ch_pass = hashlib.sha256(re_pass.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() pass_data = ch_pass print(CL("\n[green]Password Changed!.\n")) else: print(CL("\n[red] ⚠️ Min password lenght must be more than 8 Character !. [br]")) else: print(CL("\n[red] ⚠️ Password Not Match!.[br]\n")) else: print(CL("[red] ⚠️ Something went wrong!.[br]\n")) acc()

Md5 - e benzer ama basit bir Encryption
while True: mycode = input("Text: ").encode() mycode_int = int.from_bytes(mycode, "big") mycode_str = bin(mycode_int) str2 = mycode_str.strip("0b") lenght = len(str2) try: mytext = int(str2) * lenght + 365 if lenght >= 512: H8 = mytext // 256 ** 213 + 512 print(hex(H8).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 448: H7 = mytext // 256 ** 186 + 448 print(hex(H7).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 384: H6 = mytext // 256 ** 161 + 384 print(hex(H6).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 320: H5 = mytext // 256 ** 134 + 320 print(hex(H5).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 256: H4 = mytext // 192 ** 112 + 256 print(hex(H4).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 192: H3 = mytext // 192 ** 93 + 192 print(hex(H3).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 128: H2 = mytext // 128 ** 33 + 128 print(hex(H2).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 64: H1 = mytext // 64 ** 36 + 64 print(hex(H1).strip("0x")) else: print(hex(mytext).strip("0x")) except ValueError: print("Something Went Wrong!.")

Desi Hesaplama Makinesi

print("Desi Hesablama Makinesi\n") while True: en = input("En: ") boy = input("Boy: ") yuk = input("Yukseklik: ") try: i_en = int(en) i_boy = int(boy) i_yuk = int(yuk) clc = i_en * i_boy * i_yuk / 3000 print(clc," Desi\n") except ValueError: print("\n Lütfen rakam giriniz..\n") if en == "stop": break



Tiktoktan izle
Son düzenleme:


Yeni üye
16 Eyl 2021

user_data = " C0LOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]
user_pass = "C0LOR rgb(251, 160, 38)]
ben yazmadım 🤔


21 Haz 2021
Merhaba değerli Python öğrenen arkadaşlar!.
Python'da yaptığım basit işinize yarayabilecek kodları paylaşıyorum

Encrypted Admin Giriş Paneli
Login: admin
Şifre: 12345678
Renk kodlarının çalışması için şu adresten

Renk Kütübhanesi
kodları indirip aynı klösöre atmanız gerekir.
Yada aşağıdakı kodların üst kısımına yapıştırabilirsiniz
"from color_lib import CL" silmeniz gerekecektir.
import hashlib import time from color_lib import CL the_copy = CL(""" [yellow] __ \ _ \ |___ / | | __| | | _` | _ \ __| | | ( | | ( | ) | | ____/ \___|\___/ \__,_|____/ _| [br] """) print(the_copy) def acc(): user_data = "8c6976e5b5410415bde908bd4dee15dfb167a9c873fc4bb8a81f6f2ab448a918[/COLOR]" pass_data = "ef797c8118f02dfb649607dd5d3f8c7623048c9c063d532cc95c5ed7a898a64f[/COLOR]" counter = 3 while True: select_c = input(CL("\n 🔐[yellow] Login:[br] 1\n 🔏[yellow] Reset Password: [br] 2\n 》: ")) if select_c == "1": if (counter >0): username = input(CL("[yellow]Username:[br] ")) password = input(CL("[yellow]Password:[br] ")) encode_username = hashlib.sha256(username.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() encode_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() if (encode_username == user_data and encode_password == pass_data): print(CL("\n ✅[green]Login Succeful!.[br]")) break elif (encode_username == user_data and encode_password != pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Password Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) elif (encode_username != user_data and encode_password == pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Username Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) elif (encode_username != user_data and encode_password != pass_data): print(CL("\n ⚠️ [red]Username and Password Wrong!.\n Try again [br]\n")) counter -= 1 print(CL("[magenta] You have[blue]《"),counter,CL("》[magenta]more attempts[br]\n")) else: print(CL("[red] ⚠️ You're attempted many times wrong! \nWait[blue]《 15 》[red]Second [br]")) for t in range(14,0,-1): time.sleep(1) print(CL("[red]Wait[blue]《"),t,CL("》[red]Second[br]")) print("\n") return acc() elif (select_c == "2"): re_pass = input(CL("[yellow]New Password: ")) conf_pass = input("Confirm Password: ") if re_pass == conf_pass: pass_conf = len(re_pass) if pass_conf >= 8: ch_pass = hashlib.sha256(re_pass.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() pass_data = ch_pass print(CL("\n[green]Password Changed!.\n")) else: print(CL("\n[red] ⚠️ Min password lenght must be more than 8 Character !. [br]")) else: print(CL("\n[red] ⚠️ Password Not Match!.[br]\n")) else: print(CL("[red] ⚠️ Something went wrong!.[br]\n")) acc()

Md5 - e benzer ama basit bir Encryption
while True: mycode = input("Text: ").encode() mycode_int = int.from_bytes(mycode, "big") mycode_str = bin(mycode_int) str2 = mycode_str.strip("0b") lenght = len(str2) try: mytext = int(str2) * lenght + 365 if lenght >= 512: H8 = mytext // 256 ** 213 + 512 print(hex(H8).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 448: H7 = mytext // 256 ** 186 + 448 print(hex(H7).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 384: H6 = mytext // 256 ** 161 + 384 print(hex(H6).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 320: H5 = mytext // 256 ** 134 + 320 print(hex(H5).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 256: H4 = mytext // 192 ** 112 + 256 print(hex(H4).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 192: H3 = mytext // 192 ** 93 + 192 print(hex(H3).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 128: H2 = mytext // 128 ** 33 + 128 print(hex(H2).strip("0x")) elif lenght >= 64: H1 = mytext // 64 ** 36 + 64 print(hex(H1).strip("0x")) else: print(hex(mytext).strip("0x")) except ValueError: print("Something Went Wrong!.")

Desi Hesaplama Makinesi

print("Desi Hesablama Makinesi\n") while True: en = input("En: ") boy = input("Boy: ") yuk = input("Yukseklik: ") try: i_en = int(en) i_boy = int(boy) i_yuk = int(yuk) clc = i_en * i_boy * i_yuk / 3000 print(clc," Desi\n") except ValueError: print("\n Lütfen rakam giriniz..\n") if en == "stop": break



Tiktoktan izle
eline sağlık

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