What is Backdoor?


Yaşayan Forum Efsanesi
21 Ağu 2016
Backdoor or Back door is a malicious code that does exactly that – opens the back door, the back entrance to the application, system or network. Backdoor are the mechanisms initially created by the programmers to allow them special access to their programs, usually to alter the code in case of some error. Today, this term represents any mechanism which allows an attacker to secretly re-access the compromised system or network, without repetition of the initial process of the attack. Usually, after the "invasion" of some system or network by using some hole or oversight in the system or application, attackers continue to hide tracks and install back door – some special application or hidden account. If the owner of the system or network detects the invasion and fixes the flaw, an attacker, however, has the ability to re-access if the user has not found the installed backdoor.

Most often, the only way to safely remove the backdoor is to remove everything and reinstall the system from the backup which proved to be safe. In order to define the concept, we can say that the backdoor is the part of the code which bypasses the usual security checks and allows the author to access some application, system, or network. This is, so to speak, und o c u m e n ted entrance point within a program. The malicious code typically opens a TCP or UDP port and thereby opens a passage through which an attacker can re-access the computer whenever he/she wants to. Through this open channel, an attacker can communicate with the back door, give a command or directly access the computer resources.
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